Time Force - Episodes 40 - End of Time, Part III (Yaoi style)

After Ransik is taken into custody, the Time Force Rangers have to return to the future. Eric looks on as Wes bids them farewell and the Time Ship leaves.

Good Byyyeeee competition!
Mr. Collins does his best to be tactful, but that's not his strong point.

MR.COLLINS: "You okay?"
WES: "...yeah..."
MR.COLLINS: "What now, son?"
WES: "...I don't know..."
MR.COLLINS: "Well, I got a business proposition for you."
WES: "*exasperated* Dad, come on!!"
MR.COLLINS: "Wa-wa-wa-waaait, just hear me out, hear me out!"
MR.COLLINS: "I want to make some changes in the Silver Guardians.
Listen to me, we will protect the entire city... for free!
I need a good leader. What about it?"

He did NOT just offer Wes Eric's job - in front of his face!!
That's like taking away Eric's reason for living. He worked so hard to climb his way to the top!
Wes, please say you can't possibly accept that offer!! >.<
WES: "I'll do it!!"




WES: "I want Eric *places hand on Eric's shoulder*... as my partner!"

Partner?... For life??... Life Partner???

If I was drinking something right now, I'd be sputtering it all over the monitor. XD

Make no mistake, this is a blatant marriage proposal!
I never thought Wes would be so forward - and in front of his father, no less!

The look on Eric's face only confirms this.

WES: "*gazes deep into Eric's eyes* Whaddya say?"

They once again clasp hands in agreement.

This time, though, it's official... complete with Mr. Collins' stamp of approval!

MR.COLLINS: "*smiles and embraces them both* Would've been my choice."

It's pretty much a wedding ceremony on the beach, complete with Mr. Collins to give Wes away!

WES: "Well, I think the future looks pretty bright!"

TF - Episode 40
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DISCLAIMER: All pictures, characters, and stories are Copyright their respective owners. They are NOT of my making and, to the best of my knowledge, they are not gay. No copyright infringement is intended.