"Now here it is, your moment of Zen" ~Jon Stewart~
Fun Stuff: movies, anime, games, books, music, etc
"The wheel, it turns, it rolls around, it makes an ancient rumbling sound " ~Kai~
"You know I don't drink intoxicants, Theodorus. No, I like to experience life in all it's agonizing glory. I don't want to dull the sensations in any way." ~Callisto~
"He died, that’s all. Work related death. It’s just sad when they go so young." ~Tony Soprano~
"Don't confuse defending yourself with using a weapon. When you pull a sword you have to be ready to kill." ~Xena~
"In the Light Zone I was dark. Perhaps in the Dark Zone I will be light!" ~Kai~
Shrine Directory
"You don't just kill me and walk away." ~Callisto~

DISCLAIMER: All artwork, characters, stories, and shows are Copyright their respective owners. They are NOT of my making.

"Quantum Power!" - Quantum Ranger shrine



Top 10 TV Shows List

1 #1: The Outer Limits THE OUTER LIMITS

"We are now in control. We can shape your vision to anything our imagination can conceive. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the deepest mind to The Outer Limits!"

6 Heroes HEROES

This show transformed my view of humanity and gave me hope for life on Earth. No joke. o.o

2 #2: Xena Warrior Princess XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS

"In a time of Ancient Gods, Warlords, and Kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle. The power... the passion... the danger... her courage will change the world"

7 #7: The Big Bang Theory THE BIG BANG THEORY

Talk nerdy to me, indeed. Science has never been funnier.

3 #3: Lexx LEXX

...because it rhymes with "sex"?

8 #8: South Park SOUTH PARK

Sometimes potty-mouthed kids tackling major societal issues make a lot more sense than uptight grownups.


4 #4: The Daily Show THE DAILY SHOW

"Do you enjoy things? Then come to a free taping of The Daily Show!"

9 #9: Roar ROAR

A beautiful series cut off much too soon. ;_;

5 #5: The X-Files THE X-FILES

"I Want to Believe" that "The Truth is Out There!"


10 #10: Seinfeld SEINFELD

The show about nothing...



DISCLAIMER: All artwork, characters, stories, and shows are Copyright their respective owners. They are NOT of my making.





"Life is a much harder state to achive than Death" ~Kai~
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"You're lucky the tree was unarmed. You could've been hurt." ~Xena~
"No soup for you!" ~Soup Nazi~
"No soup for you!" ~Soup Nazi~
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"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" ~Cartman~