) parts taken and/or adapted from Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, by Scott Cunningham, 1988, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, MN
2) "We All Come From The Goddess" by Z. Budapest/Ian Corrigan
3) part of the "Homeric Hymn to Hermes" as quoted in Classical Mythology: Sixth Edition, by Mark P.O. Morford & Robert J. Lenardon, 1999, Oxford University Press, New York, New York
4) the beautiful "Triple Goddess Chant" by Yasmine Galenorn as found in her book "Embracing the Moon," 1998, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, MN
5) one of the myriad adaptations of the "Charge of the Goddess" based on D.J. Conway's adaptation as it appears in her book "Moon Magick," 1997, Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, MN which she adapted from the one recorded by Charles Godfrey Leland, published in 1899 in his book "Aradia: Gospel of the Witches"


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